Hello, pet owner > Obligations of the owners

Obligations of the owners


Pet identification is mandatory in the Valencian Community since 1996. It is currently carried out through an electronic microchip implant. This implant requires a surgical intervention that can only be performed by a registered veterinarian under proper hygienic and sanitary conditions.
Dog identification must be carried out within the animal’s first three months of life or in the month following its acquisition.

Potentially dangerous animals

Law 50/1999 on the Legal Regime on the Possession of Potentially Dangerous Animals , the Regulation implementing RD 287/2002,and Decree 145/2000  of Valencia’s Regional Government regulate the possession of potentially dangerous animals.

Travelling within European Union

The movement of pets is regulated according to health standards that guarantee the animal’s health and that of people. It is important to verify that the animal meets all the requirements established by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food.

Vaccination and deworming

Vaccination is a clinical procedure that is key to pets’ health; only veterinarians can evaluate the animal’s health status, conduct proper deworming and other measures to ensure an adequate immunisation.

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