A great many owners still think that food they have lovingly cooked themselves should be the first, even the only, food of choice for their pets.
However, commercial pet foods meet all the requirements of a proper nutritional diet. In a short time we have gone from diseases caused by food deficiencies, such as rickets, to diseases caused by their opposite, such as obesity.
It is important to know that an important number of the problems seen in veterinary clinics are caused, directly or indirectly, by diet. And that most of the consultations have to do with owners’ questions on how to feed their pets.
A correct diet is vital to the health of all types of organisms. Unfortunately, even when owners take a great interest in cooking homemade food for their pet the final quality is not guaranteed. It really depends on less sentimental factors, such as choosing the correct ingredients, their characteristics, the nutrient balance and the individual demands according to the pet’s activity levels, specific health conditions and age. Unfortunately, the care taken by owners when they cook for their pet is an attempt, probably unconscious, to humanize something that is not human.
Commercial pet food found in specialized shops and veterinary practices is definitely better, because its composition is guaranteed by the professionals that have designed it.
The market offers diets that are adapted to every age and every condition, with a great range of brands and packaging. You will find pet foods that guarantee perfect nutrition, better quality of life, lower cost, and an easy and clean way of feeding your pets. Is this enough?
If you are still unconvinced, visit your veterinary practice. You will find professional information on the health risks of an inappropriate diet and guidance on the proper diet for your best friend’s age, specific health conditions and activity levels.
Puede dirigir sus consultas al Colegio de Veterinarios de Alicante enviando un mensaje a la siguiente dirección: secretaria@icoval.org