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Pet allergies

An allergy is a hypersensitivity or abnormal reaction to a substance that most people usually find harmless. Substances that cause allergies are known as allergens.

Many people are allergic to substances found in the environment, such as pollen, dust mites or plants. They may be allergic to many other things: certain types of foods, textiles or chemicals. It is well known that many pet owners prefer to put up with the symptoms caused by allergies instead of getting rid of their pets but, unfortunately, many other pets are abandoned every year with the excuse that their owner has been diagnosed by the doctor as having an allergy.

Allergens found in cats and dogs are dander and saliva. The most frequent bird allergen is the dust shed by feathers. The urine of small pets such as rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, chinchillas, mice, rats and ferrets also contains reaction-causing allergens. Allergens have also been identified in the dander and saliva of these animals.

These are the most common symptoms of pet allergies:

There are many ways to reduce allergic symptoms:

As you have read in the article, being allergic to your pet does not mean that you will have to get rid of it.

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